Санкт-Петербургское Общество Любителей Орхидей




Orchidaceae Juss.

1789, Gen. Pl. : 64 (sub "Orchideae"). - Fam. Apostasiaceae Lindl., 1833, Nixus Pl. : 22 (sub "Apostasieae"). - Fam. Cypripediaceae Lindl., 1833, l .c.: 22 (sub "Cypripedieae"). - Fam. Neottiaceae Horan., 1834, Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat.: 50. - Fam. Vanillaceae Lindl., 1835, Key Bot.: 73. - Fam. Limodoraceae Horan., 1847, Сharact. Ess. Fam. Reg. Veget.: 44.

Type: Orchis L.

750-800(158) genera and 20000-25000(1005) species. Cosmopolites, except extra arid, salted, and polar areas.


1. Plants green, photosynthetic, with normal green leaves, green stem or green roots . . . 2

-. Mycotrophic (saprophytic), achlorophyllous leafless plants, without any green parts . . . . . . 151


2. Flowers with 2-3 fertile stamens, pollen waxy, amorphous, sticky or powdery, not forming distinct pollinia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

-. Flowers with 1 fertile stamen, pollen mass commonly forming coherent pollinia . . . . . . . . 5


3. Leaves thin, plicate; all tepals sub-similar, flowers sub-actinomorphic, with 2-3 stamens; staminode if present small, inconspicuous; ovary with 3 chambers . . . . . . . . . 4

-. Leaves coriaceous, conduplicate; tepals very unequal, lateral sepals joined, lip deeply saccate; flowers distinctly zygomorphic, with 2 lateral stamens and large shield-like median staminode; ovary with 1 chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paphiopedilum


4. Tepals more than 1.5 cm long, ovate; flowers with 3 stamens; inflorescence simple, erect . . . . Neuwiedia

-. Tepals less than 1.5 cm long, narrowly-ovate to lanceolate; flowers with 2 stamens; inflorescence normally branched, curved and spreading . . . . . . . . Apostasia


5. Mainly terrestrial and lithophytic plants without pseudobulbs; leaves plicate, thin (not succulent), not articulated at the vase; inflorescence terminal; anther wall not caducous; pollinia soft, granular or sectile . . . . . 6

-. Terrestrial, lithophytic and epiphytic plants; shoots sympodial pseudobulbous, or monopodial thin and rigid; leaves commonly conduplicate, coriaceous or succulent, usually articulate at the base; inflorescence lateral, rare terminal; anther wall form caducous cap (operculum); pollinia hard, very rare sectile . . . . . . . . 7


6. Plants with creeping rhizome or underground tubers; anther erect or slightly incumbent; pollinia apically attached to viscidium; rostellum elongate . . . . . . 8

-. Plants with underground root-stem tuberoids; anther erect, at the base firmly united with column; pollinia sectile with caudiculae basally attached to viscidium or viscidia, rare without caudicles; rostellum in form of fold protruding between thecae . . . . . . . . . 28


7. Sympodial plants; pollinia soft, waxy, rare cartilaginous, without stalks or caudiculae, very rare with stipes or hamulus; anther erect in early stages of ontogeny . . . . . . . . . 38

-. Sympodial or monopodial plants; pollinia solid, cartilaginous or bony, commonly with stipes; anther incumbent in early stages of ontogeny, often strongly deflexed at maturity . . . . . 85


8 (6). Stem erect, with a close, more or less dense fascicle of roots at the base . . . . . . . . 9

-. Stem decumbent, rhizome-like, rooting at the nodes, at the apex ascending and bearing a terminal long stalked inflorescence . . . . . . . . . 14


9. All normal leaves radical, the stem only with rudimentary leaves and sheaths . . . . . . . . . . 10

-. Normal leaves distant along all length of the stem, or stem at the middle with 2 opposite leaves . . . . . . 11


10. Flowers less than 5 mm across, resupinate, in dense twisted spike; leaves 3-10, narrowly-lanceolate to linear . . . . . . . . . Spiranthes

-. Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm across, not resupinate, in loose not twisted spike; leaves 1-2 (3), ovate . . . . . . . . . Cryptostylis


11. Stems weak, slender, 1- 1.5 mm thick, less than 15 cm tall; at the middle with 2 broadly cordate opposite leaves 1-2(3) cm wide . . . . . . . . . . . Listera

-. Stems robust and rigid, more than 1.5 mm thick, more than 15 cm tall; with numerous distant leaves, rarely with 2 sub-opposite leaves 5- 12 cm wide . . . . . . . . . . 12


12. Stems 1.5- 3 m tall; inflorescence normally branching; sepals and petals 2-3 cm long . . . . . . . Corymborkis

-. Stems less than 1.5 m tall; inflorescence simple; sepals and petals 5- 15 mm long . . . . . 13


13. Flowers, in many flowered spike or in dense heads; sepals and petals white, 0.6-1 cm long; lip simple narrowly-ovate, boat-shaped . . . . . . . . Tropidia

-. Flowers in lax few flowered raceme; sepals and petals yellow-green or pink-purple; 1.2- 1.8 cm long; lip distinctly 3-lobed, cup-shaped . . . . . . . Epipactis


14 (8). Flowers not resupinate (or partially resupinate), lip commonly turned upwards . . . . . . . . . . 15

-. Flowers resupinate, lip commonly tuned down . . . . . . . . . . 16


15. Leaves uniformly green; lip and column not twisted . . . . . . . . Hetaeria

-. Leaves with contrast golden or reddish reticulated veins; lip and column distinctly twisted . . . . . Macodes


16. Spur at the base of lip containing neither glands nor hairs . . . . 17

-. Spur hairy within or with papillae or glands on either internal lateral side . . . . . . . . . 18


17. Spur short and fat, epichile of lip broad triangular acute without any ornaments; sepals olive-green, petals and lip white . . . . . . . . . . . . Erythrodes

-. Spur long and slender, epichile of the lip truncate to slightly bilobed; disc of lip with two flat calli at the middle and a thick lamella extending to the tip; tepals including lip white with pink blotches . . . . . . . . . . . . Herpysma


18. Spur densely haired within . . . . . . . . . . . Goodyera

-. Spur with a single gland or group of papillae on either internal lateral side . . . . . . 19


19. Spur with group of dense numerous, long, fat papillae on either internal lateral side; lip strongly S-bended; mesochile with two tall conspicuous semicircular longitudinal keels . . . . . . . . . . Orchipedum

-. Spur with a single gland or few papillae on either internal lateral side; lip not strongly bended; mesochile without keels, rare with 1-2 rather low longitudinal keels . . . . . . 20


20. Apex of the lip not widening into a blade, broadly acute, fleshy . . . . Vrydagzynea

-. Apex of the lip widened to a flat thin commonly bilobed blade often dentate or fringed along margin . . . . . . . . 21


21. Mesochile of the lip form distinct conspicuous claw as long as epichile or longer . . . . . . .22

-. Mesochile of the lip very short, appear as constriction between cup-like base of lip and epichile . . 26


22. Claw of lip fringed or toothed along either lateral side . . . . . . . . 23

-. Claw of lip straight along lateral margins . . . . . . 24


23. Lip spurred, the spur protruding between the lateral sepals; stigma lobes 2, on either side of base of rostellum; leaves usually deep velvety green, brown or black with silvery, golden or reddish net of veins . . . . . Anoectochilus

-. Lip with small, globular, saccate base, more or less enclosed by the bases of the lateral sepals; stigma entire; leaves commonly uniform green, rare plant aphyllous . . . . . Odontochilus


24. Tiny plants 4- 6 cm tall with leaves about 1 cm long; inflorescence 1-2-flowered; column short, not twisted; stigmas on short process. . . . . Myrmechis

-. Plants normally larger than 6 cm tall with leaves much longer than 1 cm; inflorescence normally few to many-flowered; column twisted or not twisted; stigmas sessile . . . . . 25


25. Column and lip distinctly twisted; mesochile without longitudinal keels. . . . . Ludisia

-. Lip and column not twisted, rarely slightly twisted; mesochile with 1-2 more or less conspicuous longitudinal keels . . . . . . . . . Rhomboda


26 (21). Leaves black; epichile 3-lobed, brightly yellow, with 4 close callosities on the disc . . . . . . . Zeuxinella

-. Leaves green to gray-green; epichile 2-lobed, flat, without any ornament . . . . . . . 27


27. Sepals free; epichile not toothed or fringed along margin; plant with creeping stem rooting at nodes . . . . . . . Zeuxine

-. Sepals connate on half way of their length, epichile distinctly toothed or fringed along margin; plants with succulent creeping root-less articulate rhizome . . . . . . Cheirostylis


28 (6). Tiny plants less than 6 cm tall with 1 cordate leaf and single large flower; lip with 2 short spurs; lateral sepals filiform, much narrower than large broad median sepal; pollinia without caudicles . . . . . . . Corybas

-. Plants regularly taller than 6 cm , with 1 to many leaves; inflorescence with few to many flowers, rare with 1 flower; lip with 1 spur or sac, rarely spurless; all sepals ovate to elliptic, subsimilar; pollinia with caudicles and basal viscidia . . . . . . . 29


29. One or two stigmas distinctly concave . . . . . . . 30

-. Stigmas convex or stalked, rarely hardly concave . . . . . . 32


30. Many-leaved stem with distant leaves; floral bracts larger than flowers, similar to normal leaves; tuberoids palmate or attenuate . . . . . . . . . . Brachycorythis

-. Plant with 1-2(3) radical leaves; floral bracts inconspicuous, shorter than leaves; tuberoids attenuate to globose . . . . . . . . . 31


31. Lip deeply 3-lobed; plant with 1-2(3) ovate to narrowly ovate, uniformly green leaves; stigma divided into 2 lobes; rostellum very small inconspicuous; tuberoids attenuate . . . . . Amitostigma

-. Lip entire or very indistinctly trilobe; plant with 1(2) circular to broadly ovate, purple-violet variegated leaves; stigma entire, V-shaped; rostellum large elongate, horn-shaped, curved upwards; tuberoids globose . . . . . . Hemipilia


32 (29). Rostellum very large, horn-shaped, turned upward, as high as or higher than anther . . . . . . 33

-. Rostellum much smaller, inconspicuous, shorter than half of column length, sometimes hardly visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


33. Plants 6-10 cm tall with 1-2 narrowly-lanceolate leaves; inflorescence normally with 1(2) flowers; flowers white; lip entire or indistinctly 3-lobed . . . . . . . . . Diplomeris

-. Plants normally taller than 10 cm with 3-10 broadly-lanceolate leaves; inflorescence normally with (1)3-20 flowers; flowers purple, orange-red to deep yellow; lip distinctly 4-lobed . . . . . Habenaria ( H. rhodocheila )


34. Two stigma-lobes placed on elongated more or less long stigmaphores extending forward from the column base . . . . . . . . Habenaria

-. Stigma-lobes not freely extending in front of column . . . . . . . . . . 35


35. Thecas at their base extending from column base; rostellum forming a broad band above the coherent, hardly prominent stigma-lobes . . . . . . . . Pecteilis

-. Neither stigma-lobes nor thecas extending in front of column base . . . . . . . 36


36. Lip ligulate, undivided, at the base with long narrow spur not dilated toward apex; stigma sessile, with a single hardly concave surface . . . . . . Platanthera

-. Lip usually 3-lobed; spur if present short saccate or globular; stigma-lobes separate or hardly coherent . . . . . . . . . . 37


37. Lip without spur; 2 large stelidia rise above anther on lateral sides of the column. . . . . . Herminium

-. Lip with short, but distinct spur at the base; stelidia small insignificant, sometimes hardly visible . . . . . . . . Peristylus


38 (7). Creeping epiphytic or lithophytic vines with fleshy succulent green stem to 15 m long; pollinia very soft and mealy . . . . . . . . Vanilla

-. Stem more or less short, not liana-like; plants sometimes with creeping plagiotropic woody rhizome up to 2- 3 m long; pollinia mealy to hard . . . . . 39


39. Leaves not articulate, circular, broadly cordate or fan-shaped usually appear after flowering; plants with globular underground tuber; pollinia soft, sectile . . . . . Nervilia

-. Leaves usually articulate, elliptic, ovate and lanceolate to linear; flowering plants commonly have leaves, rarely plants develop flowers before the leaves appear; plants rarely have underground tubers; pollinia mealy to hard, sometimes with caudicles . . . . . . . . . 40


40. Pollinia rather hard, 4-8, with or without caudicles; plants commonly epiphytic with or without pseudobulbs . . . . . 41

-. Pollinia rather soft, 8, rarely 4, with distinct, but sometimes quite small caudicles; plants commonly terrestrial, often with short vertical stem, plicate leaves and lateral inflorescence . . . . . . . . . 43


41. Column not distinctly hooded or winged at the apex; plants commonly with pseudobulbs of several internodes; inflorescence terminal or lateral; pollinia 4-8 with or without caudicles . . . . . . 42

-. Column hooded or winged at the apex around anther; plants with pseudobulbs of 1 internode; inflorescence terminal (sometimes superficially appearing as lateral); pollinia 4, hard, with small caudicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


42. Flowers with a short or no columnfoot; leaves conduplicate or plicate . . . . . . 64

-. Flowers with a prominent columnfoot; leaves always conduplicate . . . . . . . 67


43 (40). Plants with tall erect stem bearing normal numerous distichous leaves . . . . . . . . . 44

-. Stem creeping, ascending, sometime pseudobulbous, short and flesh, with few sub-radical leaves . . . . . . . . 48


44. Inflorescence terminal . . . . . . . . . 45

-. Inflorescence distinctly lateral . . . . . . . 46


45. Flowers white, 8- 12 cm across, lip entire or hardly 3-lobed, white with yellow-orange keels; flower bracts large, thin, deciduous, 3-4 cm long; leaves deciduous, thin, with blue-green waxy surface; lithophytic or epiphytic plant . . . . . Thunia

-. Sepals and petals white, with pink-purple tint, flowers 3- 8 cm across; lip distinctly 3-lobed, pink to purple, commonly with yellow center; flower bracts small, insignificant persistent, usually less than 5 mm long; leaves persistent, rigid, not waxy; terrestrial or lithophytic plant . . . . . . . . . . . . Arundina


46. Stem at the base inflated, fleshy, pseudobulbous; lip elastically hinged to the column and connected with column base with 2 elastic flanges . . . . . . . . Plocoglottis

-. Stem at the base not inflated; lip movably or firmly joined to columnfoot or column base, not connected with column with elastic flanges . . . . . . . . . 47


47. Lip spurred; inflorescence normally with 2-4(6) flowers; flowers purple-violet, 5- 8 cm across . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phaius

-. Lip without spur or sac at the base; inflorescence normally with more than 10 flowers; flowers white to yellow-greenish, less than 3 cm across . . . . . . . Cephalantheropsis


48 (43). Stem fleshy, creeping, rooting at nodes with ascending apex and few distant leaves. . . . 49

-. Stem pseudobulbous, short and flesh, with few sub-radical leaves . . . . . . . . 51


49. Flowers not resupinate; lip with short spur, turned upward . . . . . . . Nephelaphyllum

-. Flowers resupinate; lip with long slender spur or spurless, turned down . . . . . . . 50


50. Lip with a long slender spur; inflorescence 1-flowered . . . . . . . Hancockia

-. Lip spurless; inflorescence normally many-flowered . . . . . . Mischobulbum


51 (48). Plants with underground tuberous rhizome . . . . . . . 52

-. Stem pseudobulbous, green, short and flesh, sometimes covered with leaf sheaths . . . . . . . . 55


52. Flowers purple-violet, not resupinate; sepals connate, forming a narrow tube held at right angle to the ovary . . . . . . . . . Anthogonium

-. Flowers white, pinkish to purple-violet and yellow-orange, resupinate; sepals free . . . . 53


53. Inflorescence terminal; leaves elliptic to ovate . . . . . . . . Bletilla

-. Inflorescence lateral; leaves linear to lanceolate, rare narrowly elliptic . . . . . 54


54. Inflorescence normally many-flowered, dense, secund spike; flowers not widely opening, less than 1 cm across, light pinkish; each growth normally with 1(2) linear leaves . . . . . Pachystoma

-. Inflorescence normally few-flowered, all-faced, loose raceme; flowers widely opening, normally more than 1 cm across, pink-violet or yellow; each growth normally with several lanceolate to narrowly elliptic leaves . . . . . Spathoglottis


55 (51). Pseudobulbs consist of 1 internode . . . . . . . . . 56

-. Pseudobulbs consist of 2 or more internodes . . . . . . . . . 57


56. Pseudobulbs 2-leaved; leaves sessile with broad base; inflorescence, flower bracts, pedicel, ovary and sepals outside brown hairy . . . . . . . . Eriodes

-. Pseudobulbs 1-leaved; leaves petiolate with long distinct petiole, all plant hairless . . . . . . Tainia


57. Each growth with 1-2 leaves; sepals connate, forming broad urn-like tube; lip mobile on a large columnfoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acanthephippium

-. Each growth usually with more than 2 leaves; sepals free; lip not mobile, firmly attached to the column base . . . . . . . . 58


58. Column margins over nearly their whole length connate with base of lip . . . . . Calanthe

-. Lip only connate with column at or near its base . . . . . . Phaius


59 (41). Lip at base flat or slightly concave . . . . . . 60

-. Lip at base saccate . . . . . . . . . . 62


60. Lip at base S-curved in lateral view; sepals and petals about equal width . . . . . . Panisea

-. Lip at the base more or less flat, not S-curved; petals usually narrower than sepals . . . . . . 61


61. Lip entire to obscurely lobed; bulbs and leaves short-living annual; leaves thin, herbaceous, deciduous; inflorescence usually 1-flowered; lip at base convolute around base of column . . . . . . . . Pleione

-. Lip usually distinctly 3-lobed; bulbs and leaves long-living perennial; leaves rigid, coriaceous, not deciduous; inflorescence usually few to many-flowered; lip not convolute around the column . . . . . . . . Coelogyne


62 (59). Flowers large, tepals about 4 cm long; sepals with saccate, concave base; lip funnel shaped, side lobes large, folded around the column . . . . . . . . . . . . Neogyna

-. Flowers small or of medium size, tepals less than 2 cm long; sepals at the base more o less flat; lip side lobes small, not folded around the column . . . . . . 63


63. Column long, narrow, dilated at the apex; lip distinctly divided into a deeply concave hypochile with two high lateral lobes and a flat entire epichile, strongly reflexed down; epichile and hypochile separated with transversal bilobed band; floral bracts deciduous . . . . . . . . . . . . Otochilus

-. Column short, thick, not distinctly dilated toward the apex; lip not distinctly divided into hypochile and epichile; lip have no transversal bands; floral bracts deciduous or persistent . . . . . . . . . . . . Pholidota


64 (42). Leaves distichous, laterally compressed, fleshy . . . . . . . . . 65

-. Leaves dorsiventral, flat and thin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


65. Leafy stems close together . . . . . . . . . . . Oberonia

-. Leafy stems spaced on creeping rhizome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hippeophyllum


66. Column long, slender, commonly longer than broad; flowers resupinate, very rare not resupinate, lip turned down, very rare upwards, narrowing to the base, without auricles . . . . . . Liparis

-. Column short, thick, commonly as long as broad; flowers always not resupinate, lip turned upwards, with broad auriculate base . . . . . . Malaxis


67 (42). Pollinia 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

-. Pollinia 6 or 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


68. Shoots clustering into dense tufts, stems slender, not pseudobulbous, commonly less than 10 cm tall, with many close distichous leaves usually less than 1 cm long; inflorescence terminal, less than 1 cm long, few-flowered with small campanulate flowers 2- 3 mm across; pollinia clavate . . . . . . Podochilus

-. Shoots commonly not clustering into dense tufts, stems commonly swollen (at least in some internodes), pseudobulbous, rare slender, reed-like, normally taller than 10 cm; or short pseudobulbous, consist of one swollen fleshy internode, distant on creeping woody rhizome; leaves rare less than 1 cm long; inflorescence lateral or sub-terminal commonly longer than 1 cm, 1- to many-flowered; flowers campanulate to well-opening, commonly larger than 3 mm across; pollinia not clavate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


69. Pollinia without stipes . . . . . . . . . . 70

-. Pollinia with stipes . . . . . . . . . . . 74


70. The non rhizomatous part of sympodial shoots consisting of several to many internodes, usually fleshy, pseudobulbous (rare thin, reed-like), clustering on short rhizome . . . . . . . . . 71

-. The non rhizomatous part of sympodial shoots fleshy, pseudobulbous (sometimes small indistinct), consisting of 1-2 internodes, commonly distant on more or less long creeping rhizome . . . . . . 72


71. Basal part of non rhizomatous sympodial shoot thin, woody, rod-like, often branching with fleshy apical internodes forming 1-leaved pseudobulbs; leaves not sheathing at the base; inflorescence 1(2)-flowered; flowers lasting few morning hours . . . . . Flickingeria

-. The non rhizomatous sympodial shoot not distinctly differentiated into thin and fleshy portions, or have fleshy base of few swollen internodes, rarely branching, normally with several to many leaves sheathing at the base; inflorescence usually with more than 2 flowers; flowers commonly lasting more than 1 day . . . . . . . . . Dendrobium


72. Inflorescence appears terminal, from the apex of pseudobulb; lip not mobile, not hinged at base; menthum rather spur-like . . . . . . . . . . Epigeneium

-. Inflorescence distinctly lateral, from the rhizomatous part; lip mobile, movably hinged to columnfoot; menthum rather saccate . . . . . . . . . 73


73. Operculum with conspicuous horn at apex; sepals more or less equal size and form, spreading . . . . . . . . . Trias

-. Operculum without horn at apex; lateral sepals commonly different in size and shape from median sepal, spreading or not . . . . . . . Bulbophyllum


74 (69). Stipe very large and massive, as broad as long, with broad apex which occupies whole clinandrium; inflorescence with 1 hardly opening flower . . . . . . Hamularia

-. Stipe narrow and slender, much longer than broad, placed in furrow in front of column apex; inflorescence many-flowered, rare with 1-2 widely opening flowers . . . . . . . . 75


75. Petals fascinated to the basal portion of distally naked columnfoot; columnfoot longer than column; lip with large falcate erect auricles at base; pollinia with 1 common stipe . . . . . . Monomeria

-. Petals fascinated along the whole edge of the columnfoot; columnfoot of equal length or shorter than column; lip without conspicuous auricles at base; pollinia with 2 stipes . . . . . Sunipia


76 (67). Pollinia 6; lip joined to columnfoot, with tall conspicuous appendage on upper surface toward the base; stem not pseudobulbous with numerous distichous leaves . . . . . . . . Appendicula

-. Pollinia 8; lip not firmly joined to columnfoot, without tall appendage on upper surface; stem pseudobulbous or not . . . . 77


77. Lip with a sac-shaped hypochile separated from epichile by transversal ridge; stem not pseudobulbous, rod-like with numerous internodes and distichous grass-like leaves; flowers very small, less than 2 mm across, in dense terminal head . . . . . . . Agrostophyllum

-. Hypochile not separated from epichile by a transversal ridge; stem pseudobulbous or not; flowers commonly larger than 2 mm across, not in dense terminal heads . . . . . . . 78


78. Pollinia joined by a common long thin caudicle . . . . . . 79

-. Pollinia not joined by a common long thin caudicle . . . . . . . . 80


79. Plant with flat normally 2-leaved pseudobulbs, rare stem not pseudobulbous with few sub-radical distichous leaves; flowers hardly opening, sub-cleistogamous; lip at the base with a longitudinal thickening; operculum vertical behind column, beaked; column without columnfoot . . . . . . Thelasis

-. Plant with several sub-radical distichous leaves; flowers campanulate; lip without thickening; operculum horizontal on top of column, not beaked; column with small, but distinct columnfoot . . . . . . . Phreatia


80. Column with 2 vertical arms or lobules bearing stigmas; stem thin not pseudobulbous . . . . . . Ceratostylis

-. Column without vertical arms or lobules bearing stigmas; stem pseudobulbous or not . . . . . 81


81. Sepals free; flowers widely opening or campanulate . . . . . . . . 82

-. Sepals connate, forming tube; flowers hardly opening . . . . . . . 84


82. Young leaves densely haired . . . . . Trichotosia

-. Leaves not hairy . . . . . . . 83


83. Lip movably joined to a columnfoot; column long, forward curved; columnfoot distinctly broader than column, in front with large fleshy cushion . . . . . . . Callostylis

-. Lip not very movable, joined to a columnfoot; column short, not strongly curved; columnfoot not much broader than column, without conspicuous cushion . . . . . . . Eria


84 (81). Pseudobulbs elongate, 4-10 cm tall, normally with 3-5 leaves; inflorescence 3- 15 cm long, of many distichous flowers . . . . . . . . Cryptochilus

-. Pseudobulbs flat, less than 1 cm tall, normally with 2 leaves; inflorescence less than 0.5 cm long, normally with 1-2 flowers . . . . . . Porpax


85 (7). Sympodial plants . . . . . . 86

-. Monopodial plants . . . . . . 98


86. Lateral sepals free or partially merged into a synsepalum . . . . . . . . . 87

-. Lateral sepals merged completely into a synsepalum . . . . . . . . Acriopsis


87. Stem pseudobulbous; pseudobulbs 1-leaved, consist of 1 internode; column much curved, apically with 2 forwards curved horns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

-. Stems usually of several internodes, pseudobulbous or not, with 1 to several leaves; column straight or slightly curved, apically without large, conspicuous horns . . . . . . . . 89


88. Lip 2-lobed at apex with small insignificant median dent; column S-curved; on the upper side of columnfoot a narrow nectary opening at base of lip; pollinia 2; operculum semi globular . . . . . . Thecostele

-. Lip at the apex acute, entire; column bent forwards, but not S-curved; columnfoot hollow with an entrance near the articulate base of lip; pollinia 4; operculum conical . . . . . . Thecopus


89. Plants develop neither pseudobulbs nor tubers, stem thin, not pseudobulbous . . . . . . . . 90

-. Plants develop tubers, corms or pseudobulbs of several internodes, or pseudobulbous stems often covered by close leaf sheaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


90. Terrestrial grass-like plants with erect or climbing stem up to 1 m long; lip densely haired along mid-vein . . . . . . . Dipodium

-. Epiphytes with stem less than 20 cm tall, not grass-like; lip not haired . . . . . . . 91


91. Leaves linear, grass-like, laterally compressed or strongly conduplicate; inflorescence dense, not branching distichous spike; flowers resupinate, lasting few hours . . . . . . . . Bromheadia

-. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, hardly conduplicate or flat; inflorescence lax, often branching all-facing raceme or panicle; flowers not resupinate, long lasting . . . . . Polystachya


92 (89). Column at front edge with small horizontal triangular or obtuse wings; anther with 2 pollinia . . . . . . . . 93

-. No wings at front of column; anther with 2 cleft or 4 pollinia . . . . . . . . 95


93. Columnfoot simple, without nectary; lip without claw . . . . . Diglyphosa

-. Columnfoot with a saccate nectary or a spur-like nectary formed with connate bases of lateral sepals; lip at base narrowing into a claw . . . . . . . . . . 94


94. Columnfoot short, fat, with a saccate nectary opening at base of column between vertical oblong cushions, lateral sepals not connate at base . . . . . Chrysoglossum

-. Columnfoot long forming a slender spur-like menthum together with connate bases of lateral sepals . . . . . . . . Collabium


95 (92). Stem inflated of many internodes, more or less pseudobulbous, usually covered by dense leaf sheaths; anther with 2 cleft pollinia, or pollinia 4 in pairs; pollinarium without stipes, viscidium large, broad with truncate front edge . . . . . . . . . . Cymbidium

-. Plants with tubers, corms or epigeous corm-like pseudobulbs of a few internodes; anther with 2 cleft pollinia or pollinia 4 in pairs; pollinarium with short strap-shaped stipes, viscidium rather large, sometimes forming a single structure with the stipe . . . . . . . 96


96. Raceme nodding down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geodorum

-. Raceme normally straight and erect . . . . . . . . . . . 97


97. Flowers newer open widely; tepals narrowly lanceolate, free; column narrow, long and straight without columnfoot; anther with 4 pollinia . . . . . . . . . . Cremastra

-. Flowers normally widely opening; sepals and petals broadly-lanceolate to broadly-ovate; lateral sepals often connate at the base forming small or large spur-like menthum; column with short, but distinct columnfoot; anther with 2 pollinia cleft at the base . . . . . . . . . . Eulophia


98 (85). Anther with 4 more or less equal globular pollinia free from each other . . . . 99

-. Anther with 2, sometimes more or less divided pollinia . . . . . . 103


99. Very small, normally leafless epiphytes with flat ribbon-like green roots; stem usually 1- 3 mm tall; flowers lasting few hours . . . . . . . . . . Taeniophyllum

-. Plants with green leaves; stem much taller than 3 mm ; flowers lasting few days . . . . . . 100


100. Small canopy epiphytes; numerous leaves less than 2 cm long; inflorescence very short, 2- 4 mm long; flowers less than 5 mm across, subsessile . . . . . . . 101

-. Large terrestrial, lithophytic or epiphytic plants; leaves few, much longer than 2 cm; inflorescence 10- 30 cm long; flowers more than 5 mm across . . . . . . 102


101. Leaves laterally compressed, equitant, closely placed along stem; stems 4-8(12) cm tall; inflorescence of 2 white flowers . . . . . . . . . Microsaccus

-. Leaves dorsiventral, sometimes fleshy, succulent, more or less distant; stems 10- 30 cm long; inflorescence of 1-4 green flowers . . . . . . . . . Adenoncos


102. Terrestrial or lithophytic rosulate plants; stem 2- 5 cm long; all leaves radical, close each other; inflorescence erect, stout; flowers 1.5-2.5 cm across . . . . . . . . . . . . Doritis

-. Epiphytic plants with long pendent stem to 1 m long; leaves distant on 3- 6 cm ; inflorescence erect to pendulous, slender; flowers 4- 6.5 cm across . . . . . . . . . . . . Esmeralda


103 (98). Anther with 2 pollen-masses each completely divided in more or less unequal semi-globular free halves . . . . . . . . 104

-. Pollen-masses more integrated . . . . . . . . . 128


104. Column without columnfoot . . . . . . . . . 105

-. Column with columnfoot, sometimes small but always quite distinct . . . . . . . 123


105. Lip firmly adnate to column, not movable . . . . . . . . . . 106

-. Lip movable . . . . . . . . . . . 122


106. Hypochile sometimes somewhat concave, no spur or sac at base of lip . . . . . . 107

-. Lip with distinct spur or sac at the base . . . . . . . . 108


107. Stem up to 1.5 m long with leaves 0.5-1 m long and 6-10 cm wide; flowers very fleshy, 4- 6 cm across; lip much shorter than median sepal, obtuse . . . . . . . Vandopsis

-. Stem up to 12 cm long with leaves 4-10 cm long and 0.8-2 cm wide; flowers not particularly fleshy, 1 cm across; lip longer than median sepal, forked at the apex into 2 long teeth . . . . . . Diploprora


108. Spur without longitudinal septa inside . . . . . . . . . 109

-. Spur with a distinct longitudinal median septum inside . . . . . . . . 117


109. Spur inside without calli on back-wall . . . . . . . . . 110

-. Spur inside with different ornaments on back-wall . . . . . . . . 114


110. Stipes linear nearly 4 times as long as diameter of pollinia; epichile fringed to dentate . . . . Ornithochilus

-. Stipes around twice as long as diameter of pollinia; epichile more or less entire along margin . . . . . . . . . . . 111


111. Lip with transversal ridge or rugose callosities at the base of epichile . . . . . . . 112

-. Lip without transversal ridge or callosities on epichile . . . . . . . . . 113


112. Large plants with stem up to 1 m tall and leaves 20- 30 cm long; hypochile sac-like, hairy inside . . . . . . Acampe

-. Small plants with stem up to 20 cm tall and leaves 5-10 cm long; hypochile spur-like, not hairy inside . . . . . . Smitinandia


113. Large plants with climbing stem normally longer than 50 cm ; leaves coriaceous, flat, oblong; flowers red or yellow, 2- 5 cm across; lip much shorter than median sepal . . . . . Renanthera

-. Small plant with pendant or creeping stem normally less than 20 cm long; leaves fleshy, lanceolate to sub-terete; flowers white to purple, less than 5 mm across; lip as long as or longer than median sepal . . . . . . . . . . . Schoenorchis


114 (109). Leaves terete; spur back-wall bears inside Y-shaped callus . . . . . . Cleisostomopsis

-. Leaves dorsiventral; spur back-wall inside bears a rising tongue . . . . . 115


115. Rising tongue on the lip usually hairy, placed close to entrance to spur . . . . . . . 116

-. Back-wall rising tongue glabrous, placed deep in spur . . . . . . Pomatocalpa


116. Inflorescence very short, less than 1 cm long, commonly 1-2-flowered; flowers less than 1.5 cm across . . . . . . . Trichoglottis

-. Inflorescence normally 10- 25 cm long; commonly bears more than 2 flowers; flowers more than 1.5 cm across . . . . . . . Staurochilus


117 (108). Vine-like plant with climbing or hanging stem and numerous ovate leaves usually less than 3 cm long; column with 2 long thin glabrous stelidia incurved above apex; inflorescence very short, less than 1 cm long, 1-2(3)-flowered . . . . . . . Pelatantheria

-. Stem erect, rare vine-like and ascending, leaves usually longer than 3 cm; column without large stelidia; inflorescence longer than 1 cm with few to many flowers . . . . 118


118. Floral bracts large, longer than flowers; bracts, ovary and flowers densely pubescent . . . . . . Cleisomeria

-. Floral bracts small insignificant, shorter than flowers; bracts, ovary and flowers glabrous, rarely papillose . . . . . 119


119. Rostellum projection narrow, very long, twice longer than broad of operculum, supports a thin linear stipe, to 9 times as long as diameter of pollinia . . . . . . . . . 120

-. Rostellum projection shorter; stipe usually shorter than 9 diameters of pollinia . . . . . . 121


120. Vine-like plant with climbing or hanging stem commonly 15- 30 cm long, rooting along all its length; leaves distant, coriaceous; rostellum projection distally upwards turned, stipe linear on all its length . . . . . Micropera

-. Plants with short erect stem, usually up to 10 cm tall, rooting at the base, leaves fleshy, distinctly distichous, arranged into 2 dense rows; rostellum projection distally curved down, stipe linear broadening to the apex . . . . . . . Stereochilus


121. Clinandrium top with a rising dorsal longitudinal ridge with a furrow along edge bearing long linear stipe and dorsally placed pollinia . . . . . . Sarcoglyphis

-. Column without conspicuous dorsal ridge at the top; pollinia not placed dorsally; stipe very variable in form . . . . . Cleisostoma


122 (105). Sepals and petals broadly ovate; stem erect, straight, semi-woody; leaves usually 3- 5 cm broad; lip broadly spatulate at the apex; epichile with high median keel . . . . . . . Hygrochilus

-. Sepals and petals narrowly-oblong, spatulate toward the apex; stem slender, often climbing, vine-like; leaves less than 3 cm broad; lip acute at the apex; epichile with low median keel . . . . . Arachnis


123 (104). Lip without distinct spur or sac, but hypochile often more or less concave; leaves dorsiventral, usually thin, or lacking . . . . . . . . . . 124

-. Lip with distinct spur or sac; leaves dorsiventral, usually fleshy or terete . . . . . . . . . 125


124. Stipe short and broad, shorter than diameter of pollinia; plants with normal leaves; stem usually longer than 1 cm, rooting along all its length . . . . . . . . . Thrixspermum

-. Stipe linear to strap-shaped, about twice as long as diameter of pollinia; leaves usually lacking; stem usually less than 1 cm long with densely clustering numerous roots . . . . . . . Chiloschista


125. Spur of lip with longitudinal septum . . . . . . . . . . . Cleisostoma

-. Spur of lip without longitudinal septum . . . . . . . . . 126.


126. Leaves terete, usually purple . . . . . . . Rhynchogyna

-. Leaves dorsiventral, usually green, sometimes with purple tint . . . . . . . . 127


127. Stem short, normally less than 2 cm long; leaves thin, ovate, 3- 6 cm wide; flowers more than 1 cm across, in lax few flowered inflorescence normally longer than 5 cm . . . . . . . Kingidium

-. Stem 4- 20 cm long; leaves lanceolate-oblong, fleshy, less than 1 cm wide; flowers less than 1 cm across in dense inflorescence 3- 5 cm long . . . . . . . . Cleisocentron


128 (103). Anther with 2 pollinia, more or less but not completely cleft or split . . . . . . . . 129

-. Pollen-masses more integrated . . . . . . . . . 139


129. Flowers without columnfoot, or columnfoot very indistinct . . . . . . . . . 130

-. Flowers with distinct, but sometimes short columnfoot . . . . . . . . 135


130. Inflorescence lax raceme, commonly with 2-5 flowers, flowers commonly more than 1.5 cm across . . . . . 131

-. Inflorescence dense spike with numerous flowers; flowers commonly less than 1.5 cm across . . . . . . . 132


131. Epichile 2-lobed, truncate or obtuse, more or less flesh or rigid, with entire margin; stipe short and broad . . . . . . Vanda

-. Epichile entire, broad, semicircular, thin, denticulate along margin; stipe narrowly-lanceolate . . . . . . Christensonia


132. Flowers 1- 1.5 cm across; robust plants with erect semi-woody stem; leaves large, very rigid, normally 20- 40 cm long often with many light-colored veins . . . . . . . . Rhynchostylis

-. Flowers much less than 1 cm across; plants smaller with erect or pendent stem; leaves not particularly rigid, normally less than 15 cm long, uniformly green . . . . . . 133


133. Tiny canopy epiphytes; leaves normally 2- 5 cm long; flowers 2- 3 mm across . . . . . Saccolabiopsis

-. Medium size epiphytes; leaves normally longer than 5 cm ; flowers more than 4 mm across . . . 134


134. Long stemmed plants with distant leaves; stipe lanceolate to spathulate, slightly dilated and curved at apex; spur distinctly inflated at the apex . . . . . Robiquetia

-. Rather short stemmed plants with few, more or less close leaves; stipe S-shaped, rising above and behind pollinia, which are separated by a vertical longitudinal stipe lamella; spur not inflated at the apex . . . . . . . . Uncifera


135 (129). Leaves terete; stem vine-like, slender, climbing . . . . . . Papilionanthe

-. Leaves dorsiventral; stem not vine-like, more or less erect . . . . 136


136. Mid-lobe of epichile well developed, large, flat, cordate, triangular or oblong; hypochile flat, concave or form conspicuous forward curved spur . . . . . 137

-. Mid-lobe of epichile reduced in form of small fleshy dent, spur or sac placed centrally on the lip . . . . . . . . . 138


137. Hypochile flat or slightly concave; epichile at the base with high keels, teeth or thread-like bifurcate appendages; inflorescence with few distichous flowers . . . . . Phalaenopsis

-. Hypochile form conspicuous forward curved spur; epichile flat without ornaments; inflorescence with numerous all-faced flowers . . . . . . . . . Aerides


138. Columnfoot as long as or longer than column; rachis of inflorescence not swollen along whole its length; stem longer than 2 cm, bearing normally several leaves . . . . . . . Pteroceras

-. Column much shorter than column; rachis of inflorescence distinctly swollen toward the apex; stem very short, less than 2 cm long, bearing normally 1-3 leaves . . . . . Brachypeza


139 (128). Anther with 2 porate pollinia . . . . . . . . 140

-. Anther with 2 whole pollinia, not cleft, split or porate . . . . . . . . . 147


140. Lip movable; columnfoot as long as or longer than column; lateral sepals attached with their bases to the basal portion of distally naked columnfoot; spur entrance partially closed by a horizontal plate arising from the back-wall of the lip . . . . . . Cryptopylos

-. Lip not movable; columnfoot shorter, rarely as long as or longer than column; lateral sepals attached to columnfoot along whole its length; spur entrance free . . . . . . . .141


141. Leaves terete, very rigid; inflorescence very short, commonly less than 1 cm long . . . . . . . Luisia

-. Leaves dorsiventral, sometimes fleshy conduplicate to sub-terete, but not particularly rigid; inflorescence commonly longer than 1 cm . . . . . . 142


142. Small canopy epiphytes with leaves normally less than 6 cm ; mid-lobe of the lip large, terete, conical at the apex, fleshy, furrowed and concave toward the base; flowers distichous, opening in succession and lasting few hours . . . . . . . Biermannia

-. Medium size epiphytes with leaves commonly longer than 6 cm ; mid-lobe of the lip more or less flat, not terete or fleshy; flowers all-way faced, lasting few days . . . . . . . . 143


143. No distinct rising side-lobes on the sac-like hypochile, usually just a fleshy rim joining in front of sac entrance . . . . . . . 144

-. Distinct, but sometimes small, side-lobes rising from lateral sides of hypochile which forms a saccate to cylindrical spur . . . . . 145


144. Inflorescence umbel-like, less than 3 cm long; epichile broadly fastened in front of the rim connecting edges of the hypochile, usually crescent-shaped, commonly shorter than broad; the edges of the stigma not swelling . . . . . Gastrochilus

-. Inflorescence dense raceme much longer than 3 cm; epichile narrow, triangular, concave to the base connecting by lateral sides the edges of the hypochile; the edges of the stigma concavity much swelling into protruding ring-like structure . . . . . Eparmatostigma


145. Epichile thin, much broadening from a narrow base; leaves strongly conduplicate, semi-terete; inflorescence lax few-flowered raceme, normally longer than 15 cm . . . . . . . Holcoglossum

-. Epichile more or less fleshy, ligulate-oblong or broadly cuneate, not narrowing toward the base; leaves distinctly dorsiventral, very rare sub-terete; inflorescence dense, many-flowered spike, normally shorter than 15 cm . . . . . 146


146. Epichile ligulate-oblong, more or less flat; lip side-lobes rather straight, no transversal callus at the base of epichile; stipe broad and rather short, twice longer than diameter of pollinia . . . . . . . . Ascocentrum

-. Epichile broadly-cuneate, concave; lip side-lobes strongly incurved, closing the entrance of the spur, at the base of epichile large fleshy transverse callus connecting the front-edges of side-lobes, curving inwards; stipe narrow, longer than twice diameter of pollinia . . . . . . Ascocentropsis


147 (139). Column without distinct columnfoot; stipe linear, much broadening at apex, 3-5 times as long as diameter of pollinia . . . . . . 148

-. Column with distinct columnfoot; stipe ovate to broadly-lanceolate, not much broadening at apex, as long as or few longer as diameter of pollinia . . . . . . . 149


148. Lip side-lobes very large, flat, ciliate or finely fringed along front margin . . . . . . . Pennilabium

-. Lip side-lobes small in form of insignificant dents, entire along margin . . . . . . Malleola


149. Lip movable; 5-lobed, side-lobes and lateral lobes of epichile long, conspicuous, erect, longer than broad, mid-lobe very small in form of short fleshy dent. . . . . . Grossourdya

-. Lip not movable; epichile short, obtuse, entire, very fleshy, lateral lobes insignificant or broadly oblong to semi-circular as long as broad . . . . . . . . . . 150


150. Stem usually 4- 8 cm long, erect to suberect, with more or less distant leaves; inflorescence lax, 5- 8 cm long; lip with broadly-oblong or semi-circular side-lobes; mid-lobe, fleshy, broadly conical . . . . . Parapteroceras

-. Stem usually less than 4 cm long, pendulous, with close placed leaves; inflorescence short, head-like, commonly less than 3 cm long with densely placed flowers opening in succession; lip very fleshy, with broadly obtuse indistinct lobes . . . . . . . . Tuberolabium


151 (1). Climbing vines commonly 2-10 m long . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

-. Terrestrial erect herbs commonly less than 2 m tall . . . . . . . . . . . 153


152. Inflorescence rachis and sepals outside densely pubescent; flowers brightly yellow, 2-3 cm across, column stout . . . . . . . . . Galeola

-. Inflorescence rachis and sepals outside glabrous; flowers light olive green to dull pink-whitish, less than 2 cm across, column slender . . . . . . . . Erythrorchis


153. Lateral sepals joined each together for a large part of their length . . . . . . . . 154

-. Lateral sepals free from one another or only joined at the base . . . . . . . . 157


154. Sepals and petals joined into 5-lobed tube, split between lateral sepals; flowers hardly opening; sepals fleshy, light brownish to brownish-pink; stigma at the base of column; pollinia 2 . . . . . . . . Gastrodia

-. Sepals and petals free or joined less than half of their length, newer form tube; flowers widely opening; sepals and petals very thin, white or blue-violet; stigma near top of column; pollinia 2 or 4 . . . 155


155. Column without stelidia; flowers white . . . . . . Didymoplexis

-. Column near apex with conspicuous long decurved hook-like stelidia; flowers white or blue-violet . . . . . 156


156. Median sepal and petals joined to about half of their length, fused with joined lateral sepals near their base; columnfoot absent; flowers blue-violet . . . . . . . Didymoplexiella

-. Median sepal and petals free; columnfoot present; flowers white . . . . . . Didymoplexiopsis


157 (153). Lip entire, not lobed . . . . . . . . . . 158

-. Lip distinctly divided into 2-3 lobes . . . . . . . . 160


158. Sepals pubescent or mealy outside; sepals and petals yellow to yellow-brown, lip pale yellow; plants more or less robust, stem reddish-brown to pinkish-brown, rigid; fruits juicy, cylindrical, berry-like, dull red-purple; tubers numerous, cylindrical, finger-like . . . . . Cyrtosia

-. Sepals glabrous; sepals and petals white, sometimes with black-violet tips, lip white with purple tint or purple nerves, sometime with black-violet tip; plants slender, stem white, soft and weak; fruits dry yellowish-white broadly ovate capsule; tuber one, ovate to cylindrical-ovate . . . . . . . . . . . 159


159. Sepals and petals white, rare with light pink nerves; lip ovate, white or with light pink center or with light purple spots, at the base with short broad spur . . . . . . Epipogium

-. Sepals, petals and lip white, with black-violet tips; lip narrowly ovate to broadly-lanceolate, not spurred . . . . . . Stereosandra


160 (157). Flowers with a distinct calyculus beneath perianth; lip apex densely long haired; stem very brittle, dark brown to black, less than 1 mm thick . . . . . . . Lecanorchis

- Calyculus beneath perianth absent; lip at the apex glabrous or papillose; stem not particularly brittle, white, yellowish, olive to yellowish-brown, more than 1 mm thick . . . . . . . . 161


161. Inflorescence yellowish-brown to olive-brown, normally with more than 5 flowers; lip distinctly divided into hypochile, mesochile and epichile . . . . . . . . 162

-. Inflorescence white, normally with 1-3 (5) or more flowers; lip not divided into hypochile, mesochile and epichile . . . . . . . . 163


162. Plants more than 25 cm tall; apex of the lip acute to broadly acute . . . . Aphyllorchis


-. Plants less than 25 cm tall; apex of the lip distinctly bilobed . . . . . . Odontochilus


163. Flowers brightly yellow, widely opening; sepals and petals more or less thin, lip side-lobes flat, reflexed, mid-lobe at the apex broadly truncate; column without stelidia . . . . . . Vietorchis

-. Flowers white with purple tint, hardly opening to campanulate; sepals and petals fleshy, lip side-lobes upward incurved, mid-lobe broadly acute; column at the apex with large lateral stelidia . . . . . . . . Yoania


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© Leonid Averyanov

